Dr. Samir Shah

Chairperson CMIC of the IAP 2023-24

My Dear e-Pediatricians,

Warm wishes from the Computer and Medical Informatics Chapter of IAP. Greetings from the Computers and Medical Informatics Chapter of the IAP!

It’s my immense pleasure to get one more chance to serve our chapter with bigger responsibility as Chairperson for the year 2023-24. My sincere thanks to the members for keeping faith in me.

My sincere thanks to the members of team 2021-22 for giving excellent co-operation in functioning of the chapter during these two years and giving your fruitful contribution in such a way that, our chapter got prize in the Best Chapter Category of IAP twice. It is really a remarkable achievement.

My heartiest congratulation to the team 2023-24 of the CMIC and expecting their wholehearted support to make our chapter more vibrant.

CORONA and lockdown taught us the strength of digital technology in communication, knowledge sharing and almost all our routine day to day activities. Last year we successfully organized the series of digital awareness INFONAR with the theme of “Ignorance is No Longer Bliss” on various digital topics focusing on technology helpful to the Doctors. We are going to continue the same for this year also. Last year we also conducted a Hybrid conference HITCON 2022 in association with the Management Medicos at Ahmedabad.

This year a few more projects are under consideration with the help of our active Executive Board members. Smart Clinic module, Techno tips are few of them. We are going to invite more members who are really interested to serve the association with due recognition of their contribution. Planning for the Annual Conference CMICcon is also a part of our activity planning. Very soon we will announce the final dates and place of it.

This year we are expecting more new members and for that I am requesting every member to help in our membership drive program as per your contacts and capability. Let’s make a target for the membership strength of magic figure 1000.

My sincere thanks and congratulations to Dr. Jeeson Unni for his excellent effort to keep our Drug Formulary up to date. Due to his efforts now we are able to get updated and very user-friendly version 2.0 of Drug Formulary having Online, Offline and App based versions. For more details you can visit our CMIC website – and Drug Formulary website

Ending with a quote learned from year 2020 – Grow through what you go through.

Always yours

Dr. Samir Shah

Chairperson CMIC of the IAP 2023-24